What will be the “next step”​ in your career?

How I went from Junior Designer to Senior Consultant

Anass Haijeb
3 min readJan 20, 2020

Planning (Career Development)

Are you reading this through your shiny device? Are you wondering, what can I take from this lecture? What is good to know is what you want to achieve: The Famous Goal.

You can use everyday ordinary tools and posts with a clear mind, like this for example: To reach where you want to go, use your creativity.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions” Albert Einstein


The next step is important and must be defined. You’ve just started at a new company or you are about to finish your studies. You believe you know where you are going, the “road” that you are taking is clear, and you will reach where you planned to go smoothly.

“Imagine that you are a car, a Lamborghini for instance, if you don’t know where to go, you will never reach the destination, am I right…? Now imagine that you have planned all the stops, have a GPS navigation system, you will definitely arrive, and known when without any effort.”

The planning depends on which “stop” you are currently at; it will require time and analysis from your side in order to know and discover the path to follow. The planning is particularly subjective. You need to want and to find the time to do it in order to fulfill a 2–3-year plan; patience is the key.


Well if you are at the end of your studies, you love what you have studied and the internships have gone well, use the power of your acquaintances and networking to get a position in a place and environment where you know that you can enjoy and add value to the outcome.

You can also opt for a job abroad. This is a multiplayer decision because if you are not fluent in the language, it will be hard for you to get a position in your field, and you might need to accept any type of work to support the day to day expenses. You will never know if you do not try. I would give it a try and use the connection that you have all over the world. I always recommend an experience abroad either outside your country or in another city in your country. It will help you take a step further in your way of thinking and manage your time and budget, but more importantly, it will make you a better decision-maker.

Last but not least:

You’ve discovered in yourself an entrepreneurial spirit.

You’ve met awesome like-minded people.

You’ve created a great relationship.

You can complete the lack of knowledge that others have.

Why not create something that adds value to the world? Go, do some research, define and use what you are good at as leverage and as an asset.

If you have already started your career and contribute to a mission of a small company, family business or in an international company, make a SWOT (a list of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). This will enable you to have a detailed and clear vision of your position.

The takeaways of the analysis should be, but not limited to:

What am I bringing to the table…………… The Added value

What can I do better…………… Self-development — mutual benefit

Am I recognized for what I am giving………………… Meritocracy

Where will Ibe in 3 years within the company………… Career

So what’s next ….? How can I help You? Get in touch. Meritocracy Self-development — mutual benefit Added value

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Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Anass Haijeb

Direct To the Point Stories: Startup, Innovation, and Career Dev. Our time is more precious than anything else, so stories are kept short. - @ahaijeb